Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Progressive Era Reform

One issue that is in the United States today is health care. The increasing cost of medical care and health insurance is impacting the livesof many Americans. People who are uninsured have trouble paying their medical bills even though they have health insurance. The cost of staying at a hospital can be $1000 or more.  America’s workers have a hard time paying for higher premiums, deductibles and co-payments when they don't have insurance. The health care today needs to be less expensive so people who get hurt and have to go to the hospital won't have to pay thousands of dollars.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yellow Journalism "U.S.S. Maine"

Revenge on Spain!
 On February 15th a mysterious explosion sunk the U.S.S Maine. This explosion killed more than half of the innocent men, women and children on the ship. Some survived the explosion, but slowly drowned afterwards. This brutal attack caused pain towards love ones. Who caused this?! Spain always wanted a war. Spain planned to attack this ship just to get into war with us. Well, if they want war they got it! We need to get revenge on Spain! Spain killed innocent people, so they need to pay! This war needs to happen!